Monday, August 10, 2009

Kindling, Twigs, Sticks, Then Logs...Right?

Hey all, I just wanted to say a quick "hello, goodbye" for a little bit because I am going camping for the next few days! Chris, a couple of his friends from work and I are heading to Arran, which is a little island off the west coast of Scotland, early tomorrow morning. We'll be camping and hillwalking and generally having a nice, outdoorsy time for the next 3 days. I couldn't be more excited! I'm hoping my summer camp-attained fire building skills have stayed with me.

Also, I may or may not have some news of progress on the job front the next time I write. Let's just say that there is, interesting...job opportunity that has come up and I may or may not have an interview next week. I'll know soon. Is that cryptic enough for you? Let me assure you now that it is, in fact, legal.

I just got back from meeting my friend Eithne's new puppy, Maude! She is the cutest little baby black lab ever and now my clothes smell like puppy. Heaven.

Last night, I couldn't sleep and ended up talking to Mary on the phone from 3-4:30 AM, and it was totally worth the bleary eyes I've been sporting all day. I also talked to Melissa and Alison yesterday, so I'm feeling a lot of love from back home. Sigh...

Alright, I've got to go pack up my waterproof gear and continue to break in my walking shoes! Miss you all.

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